Judges & Evaluators

The purpose of the MPRC presentation is to give the resident experience with speaking in front of their peers and to provide a forum to meet, share ideas, and network with other professionals.  The MPRC serves as a forum in which to present completed research, research in progress, a unique project, or a case study conducted during residency.  Residents participating in the conference will give platform presentations which will be evaluated by a group of practitioners.  The specific evaluation plan and responsibilities of judges are outlined below:



Each presentation will be objectively evaluated by at least two individual judges (one will also serve as the session moderator) and a group of practitioners (the audience).  These judges will be selected by the MPRC Planning Committee and will consist of preceptors registered to participate in the conference.  All preceptors will be asked to judge 1-2 sessions of resident presentations and encouraged to judge additional presentations as a member of the audience if possible.  The Evaluation Form is used to evaluate specific components of the resident’s presentation by checking off the level of performance.  Each level of performance is defined on the evaluation form with room for additional comments.


Other Evaluators

Other conference attendees are encouraged to provide feedback to presenters.  “Other” evaluators may include peer residents, preceptors joining the presentation who are not judging or moderating, or preceptors from the presenter’s residency site.  To evaluate an individual presentation or group of presentations, it will be necessary to complete the Evaluation Form for each presentation that will be evaluated.  Online evaluation forms will be available for all participants with specific check-boxes used to distinguish between all evaluator types (i.e. “Judge”, “Moderator” and “Other”).


Click here to download the Judging and Evaluating Instructions.